Outdoor SIM router with directional LPDA antenna to provide Internet in mountainous areas for streaming, downloading, and remote working; IP67 waterproof and corrosion-resistant housing allows stable and continuous work in rainstorm weather.

Remote Mountain Network SIM Router LPDA Antennas
Remote Mountainous Regions Internet Network

I can honestly say like for like it blows the other router ive tried out of the water. I live at 1000m in montenegro in the wettest inhabited place in Europe. Also plenty of mediterainin lighting storms and the most power cuts in all of Europe and and it survived well over a year. A pretty tough testing ground. I wanted to offer writing you up a review of the product. – by Steve Smith

I purchased an outdoor router over 2 years ago to provide me with internet in the mountains, I have lived out here for nearly 2 years now and the internet has been perfect, I am able to stream, download and work on it.

However, living in the Mountains near the coast I eventually got unlucky and a lightning surge on the main electric lines fried the motherboard and also took out the kettle. I went to the local shop and bought a 80 euro SIM router (because all routers are the same, right? … WRONG), it didn’t work, I bought an antenna for the router, but it didn’t work either.

So I decided to get back in touch with Outdoor routers and explain what had happened, on the same day I had a reply with a solution to get a new motherboard sent out for a very reasonable price, I then got my friends, when they came out, to bring it out and fitted it. The new motherboard is even better with auto select APN settings and the internet seems quicker.

I am shooting to a mast that is over 30km away and has line of sight but some foliage as obstruction. However the signal is brilliant and I can wholeheartedly say this is the best router on the market that I have used and well worth the investment! Plus it truly is waterproof, I live in the wettest inhabited place in Europe, 6m+ average rainfall, not a drop has got into the router box. big thanks to Tammy for all her help and quick replies.